More Mission

DSCN0196Round Two
I’m planning to go on my second mission trip, to Haiti, with members from my church, in June 2016. Last year, thanks to several friends and family members, I was blessed, financially, with the means to go. It is such a wonderful feeling to know that people support my visions and plans. “A friend loves at all times.” (Proverbs 17:17)

Check out this video that highlights last year’s mission trip!

I had such an awesome time spreading God’s love last year, so I decided, through prayer, that it would be a great opportunity to go on this mission trip again. “And then I heard the voice of the Master: ‘Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?’ I spoke up, ‘I’ll go. Send me!'”
(Isaiah 6:8)

What Are Some Things That Will I Be Doing?
-Volunteering at orphanages
-Volunteering at a local school
-Other opportunities that God may present our group with
“Let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in Heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

Ways You Can Help:
– Pray that my financial obligations for this mission trip are met
– Pray for safe travel mercies to and from Haiti for our group
– Pray that we have a heart warming experience as we minister to others
“Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” (Proverbs 4:6)

– Your gracious donations will help pay for my room, board, and transportation in Haiti, shipping fees for our group to transport our supplies and donations that we are taking, and donation materials – such as toiletries, sheets/blankets, shoes, baby items, books, and school supplies
“Take an offering for me; from every person whose heart makes him willing you are to receive my offering.” (Exodus 25:2)
“And they came forward—every one whose heart stirred him up, and every one whose spirit was willing; they brought the offering for the Lord.” (Exodus 35:20)

I am hoping to reach my fund raising goal by June 1, 2016.
I am extremely grateful for all of the love and support that is received through donations and prayer.

Click here to donate via my Go Fund Me page!



The Joyful Mother of Children

The sunrises in Haiti are absolutely beautiful. They make up for all of the roosters.

Our second day in Haiti began with team members unpacking and organizing our supplies. We also had Haitian oatmeal for breakfast. It was thick, creamy and delicious.

Me, Adrian and Monica.

Me, Adrian and Monica.

Our time today was spent at Eve Rose’s orphanage. The orphanage is not too far down the road from Haitian Christian Mission (HCM). We took a van by two trips to get all of us there. When we arrived, the children all greeted us with warm smiles and hugs — how sweet. Eve Rose’s place is beautiful. Oddly, the structure reminds me of a larger version of the playhouse that my cousin’s had while we were growing up. From the top level, you can see the lake and mountains as well as the rest of the property.

Eve Rose shared her testimony with us. She used to live in the United States where she received a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree and worked as a teacher in North Carolina. She and her husband planned to have a family, but ended up having 12 miscarriages. Because of this, her husband left her. This was not a dead end for Eve. Haiti MissionShe decided to return to Haiti to do the work of the Lord. While working, God blessed her with a new husband. Together they have started an orphanage. Eve went from having no children to having, now, 31 children. God has truly blessed her. They also have a school that is free for children to attend. Eve Rose has a sweet spirit, and it was so nice of her to welcome us into her home.

He gives the childless woman a household, making her the joyful mother of children. Hallelujah! Psalm 113:9

Another sister at the orphanage shared her testimony. It was kind of similar. She went to live in the United States, but returned to Haiti to be a blessing to others. The key point in her message that touched me was when she talked about raising money so that she could go out and do the work of the Lord. She noted that it was more important for her to have people who believed in her and supported her. If you use all of your own money, then the work has not been anointed by God. Haiti MissionThis was important to me because several of my family and friends supported me by sponsoring this trip. Whether is was money, supply donations, prayer or comforting words, I am so thankful for all of the support that I received. It tool a lot for me to have confidence to ask for support, but God gave me the extra guts to do it. In addition, he placed it on my supporters’ hearts to graciously give to me, which allowed me to give to others. This is how I know this trip was anointed.

On the tour of Eve Rose’s property, we saw the school classrooms and the library. The classrooms are open buildings without a door or windows, so students are able to enjoy a fresh breeze and great view while they learn. I loved being in the library. Although it is not yet full, it is growing. We were able to bless them with new French books for the library. Eve Rose told us that along with a regular education, which is a blessing to have in Haiti, they also work to teach the students a trade. The boys can learn skills like manual labor, and the girls can learn skills like cooking, physical therapy and beautician artistry. They working on building an entertainment building that can be used as a movie theater to project the screen onto a blank wall. There are tons of chickens. Chickens for white eggs, chickens for brown eggs and chickens for a two-piece special. They also have goats. In addition, they grow all of their produce. There are bananas, plantains, corn, okra, watermelon and mangoes just to name a few things.

Haiti MissionNext we got to play with the kids some more. I played on the playground, jumped rope blew bubbles, drew pictures and colored with the adorable kiddies. We gave each child a new pair of shoes and a new backpack filled with school supplies. The kids were not only nice to us, but you could easily tell that they really love each other and Eve Rose; they are a family. Several of the kids come from interesting situations. The youngest is five months old, and she was abandoned by her mother at birth in the mountains. Also, many kids come from all over the area to attend her school because there is no cost.

We wanted to do something special for Eve Rose since she does so much for others. We did a makeover in her bedroom with new sheet sets for her bed and the two cribs in the room. Have I mentioned how cute the babies are!? This definitely makes me want to adopt one of them.

I think my favorite part of the day was lunchtime. It started with fresh pineapples. Then we had rice and beans, millet, fish and these super yummy biscuits (best Haitian meal ever). During lunch, the children sang for us. The spirit of the Lord was truly present. It always warms my heart to see children praising God.

All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13

Haiti Mission

A view of Eve Rose’s site.

Grande Merci

This summer I was blessed with the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Haiti.

I, first, want to say THANK YOU to all of my family and friends who supported me though prayer, financially and emotionally. You guys rock! I could not have done any of this without you. I am overwhelmed by the amount of support that I was shown. Not only have I been blessed by your loving gifts, but several Haitians have as well.

I am thankful that I was called to this experience by God, and I am also thankful for the will to answer.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying: “Who should I send? Who will go for Us?” I said: “Here I am. Send me.” Isaiah 6:8

God bless.